If you typically don't finish what you start, this option is designed to get you to the finish line with personalized accountability for mindful eating success!
Benefits of the 20-minute Mindful Check In with Jennifer include:
- Eliminate old thoughts, self-sabotage, fears, and eating patterns that are preventing you from having a peaceful and balanced approach towards food
- Establish new behavior modification eating guidelines
- Improve psychological well-being as well as reduce depression and anxiety around food
- Receive emotional support to reach your ultimate 30-Day Mindful Eating Program goals
- Take personal steps towards a lifelong sustainable healthy relationship with food and get your LIFE back!
These supportive 20-minute virtual check in's are for {MIT} Program Members who are serious about making positive impact during their challenge experience and learning why they do what they do with food!
Jennifer has helped hundreds like you reframe their beliefs around food and eating patterns, body image, and creating sustainable eating patterns.
If you want to UPLEVEL your Program experience, don't miss out on this extra support to get to the finish line with the professional tools and personal wisdom Jennifer will share with you.
PRO TIP: if you're not on the Mindful Monday email list make sure to check the "Get our Mindful Monday Tips" box at check out!