The diagnostic lab test that is the quickest way for us to crack what I call your Unique Food Code™ {UFC}.
- The OAT test kit
- 60-minute follow up appointment to discuss your results (in office or virtual)
The OAT Test is a comprehensive metabolic snapshot and opportunity for us to assess your health by looking at 8 different systems in your body:
- Three metabolic systems (how your body processed carbs, protein, and fat)
- How you produce energy
- Condition of your gut bacteria
- Brain imbalances and stress
- Yeast and bacterial toxins
- Amino acid or genetic/metabolic disorders
Metabolic imbalance can indicate powerful personal issues to correct nutrition imbalances and determine any biochemical glitches. We can then change your food choices to increase your health.
Your results will strategically guide you with your dietary recommendations and correct any imbalances in your day to day food choices. This is not a one-size-fits-all nutrition program; your personalized nutrition suggestions are based on actual lab results in real time.
If you are struggling with food allergies or arthritis, combining the OAT TEST with the IgG test and then removing specific foods from your diet while treating metabolic disorders can help clients decrease and/or eliminate inflammation and feel better.
My motto: Health IS wealth!
About the OAT test:
- This test requires a dried urine sample that is easily collected using a simple urine collection card that you pop in the mail to the lab with a pre-stamped envelope.
- Your results are emailed to me in two weeks, I consult with the doctor on staff to evaluate your results based on your food and lifestyle choices from our initial consultation.
- During your follow up appointment we discuss your lab results, dietary changes to make, and any supplements that would benefit your current imbalances.
If you have diabetes, PCOS or other metabolic imbalances, additional follow up appointments are helpful to keep you on track for success.
REQUIREMENTS: 75-minute Initial Consultation with Nutrition Atlanta. If you are not a current Nutrition Atlanta client, please add the initial consultation to your cart. In order to properly interpret your lab results, we have to discuss your current food/lifestyle choices ahead of time. Since each lab value can mean several different things; the appointment I have with the lab doctor will help us determine your proper strategy to balance your body. But I need to gather accurate and current information about your diet and lifestyle first in order to guide the doctors recommendations. Then I can provide you with proper suggestions at your follow up. Make sense? Good!
What you'll experience during your 75-minute initial appointment:
- Thorough medical and health history
- Review your current diet and nutritional supplements
- Discuss any current and relevant blood work
- 75 minutes with the nutrition & food expert, an RDN
- Ask your personal health and wellness questions
- Dietary and/or lifestyle suggestions to work on until we get your lab results assessed
Your Initial Consultation is the perfect time to ask health and wellness-related questions and take notes as we go into more depth about your health (past/present), lifestyle, wellness goals, and metabolism.
You can book appointments for virtual calls or in office appointments once a week (currently on Monday).
**remember to add the 75-minute Initial Nutrition Consultation ($215 + 3% credit card surcharge) to your cart at check out if this is the first time you are working with me.
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